Jordi Bertran, known internationally as one of the master marionette puppeteers, presents a show in seven musical and theatre scenes where movement, suggestive details and natural gestures produce a hypnotic magnetism that will captivate the viewer.
Anthology, Jordi Bertran’s debut work, was released in 1987 and continues to form part of his repertoire to the present, visiting stages across the five continents for over twenty years.
Structured along the lines of a cabaret, Anthology’s scenes unfold in an elaborate sequence, combining the rhythm of the show with the emotional development of each one of the characters recreated by the puppeteer, who –through the puppet strings- brings to life well-known and imaginary characters, anonymous characters inspired by the circus, theatre or cultural world.

Jordi Bertran, known internationally as one of the master marionette puppeteers, presents a show in seven musical and theatre scenes where movement, suggestive details and natural gestures produce a hypnotic magnetism that will captivate the viewer.
Anthology, Jordi Bertran’s debut work, was released in 1987 and continues to form part of his repertoire to the present, visiting stages across the five continents for over twenty years.
Structured along the lines of a cabaret, Anthology’s scenes unfold in an elaborate sequence, combining the rhythm of the show with the emotional development of each one of the characters recreated by the puppeteer, who –through the puppet strings- brings to life well-known and imaginary characters, anonymous characters inspired by the circus, theatre or cultural world.

Of all the range of puppets, marionettes require most technical skills because they are articulated and operated by the handler by tightening and loosening the string controls in order to direct the movement of the figure.
In Anthology, the scene is played out directly before the audience, bathed with delicate lighting.
Operated Jordi Bertran himself, in full view of the spectators, the relationship between the creator and object is transformed into a studied, precise and technically perfect choreography. This virtuoso performance is the result of many years of work, with every articulation, gesture or counterweight studied to perfection to ensure that the characters who parade in front of the viewer –Louis Armstrong, Dalí, Pau Casals, Pep Bou, the clown Toti Tipon…-are so alive that they conjure up the fragile world of soap bubbles, Dali’s surrealism or a hymn to peace by the master Casals.

Fotografies MaDimitris
Seven marionettes make up the seven scenes that recreate the unique universe Jordi Bertran, a show loaded with symbolism and vitality: Anthology.
Of all the range of puppets, marionettes require most technical skills because they are articulated and operated by the handler by tightening and loosening the string controls in order to direct the movement of the figure.
In Anthology, the scene is played out directly before the audience, bathed with delicate lighting.
Operated Jordi Bertran himself, in full view of the spectators, the relationship between the creator and object is transformed into a studied, precise and technically perfect choreography. This virtuoso performance is the result of many years of work, with every articulation, gesture or counterweight studied to perfection to ensure that the characters who parade in front of the viewer –Louis Armstrong, Dalí, Pau Casals, Pep Bou, the clown Toti Tipon…-are so alive that they conjure up the fragile world of soap bubbles, Dali’s surrealism or a hymn to peace by the master Casals.

Fotografies MaDimitris
Seven marionettes make up the seven scenes that recreate the unique universe Jordi Bertran, a show loaded with symbolism and vitality: Anthology.

Author, director and interpretation
Jordi Bertran
Puppet creation
Jordi Bertran
Lighting and sound
Isabel Martínez
Ma. Dolors Fernández
Areli Alarcón H.

Companyia Jordi Bertran
Amb la col·laboració de:
Teia Moner, Dolors Fernandez, Toni Zafra, Pep Bou, Irene Montcada, Els Aquilinos, Marceline i Silvestre, Josep Guerra, Marta Alemany, Joan Vinuesa, Jordi Pinar, Miquel Gelabert i Axioma Teatro.
Author, director and interpretation
Jordi Bertran
Puppet creation
Jordi Bertran
Lighting and sound
Isabel Martínez
Ma. Dolors Fernández
Areli Alarcón H.

Companyia Jordi Bertran
With the collaboration of:
Teia Moner, Dolors Fernandez, Toni Zafra, Pep Bou, Irene Montcada, Els Aquilinos, Marceline i Silvestre, Josep Guerra, Marta Alemany, Joan Vinuesa, Jordi Pinar, Miquel Gelabert i Axioma Teatro.

Special prize of the public
Théâtre d’Humour de Saint-Gervais
Special prize to the best visual spectacle
XII Festival International Performance d’Acteur
Cannes, França
Special prize of the public
Festival International de Marionnettes
Cannes, França
Special prize of the public
Théâtre d’Humour de Saint-Gervais
Premi a la millor posada en escena
Mostra Internacional Titelles
Vall d’Albaida, València
Special mention
Festival de Porto
San Elpidio,Itàlia
Prize to the best interpretation
Mostra Internacional Titelles
Vall d’Albaida, València
Prize to the best spectacle
Mostra Internacional Titelles
Vall d’Albaida, València
Premiul Pentru Acuratetea si
virtuozitatea tehnich de Mânuire
Festivalul international al teatrului de animatie
Bucarest, Romania
Prize of the public to the best spectacle
Festival de Bonecos
Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Special prize of the public
Théâtre d’Humour de Saint-Gervais
Special prize to the best visual spectacle
XII Festival International Performance d’Acteur
Cannes, França
Special prize of the public
Festival International de Marionnettes
Cannes, França
Special prize of the public
Théâtre d’Humour de Saint-Gervais
Prize to the best putting in scene
Mostra Internacional Titelles
Vall d’Albaida, València
Special mention
Festival de Porto
San Elpidio,Itàlia
Prize to the best interpretation
Mostra Internacional Titelles
Vall d’Albaida, València
Prize to the best spectacle
Mostra Internacional Titelles
Vall d’Albaida, València
Premiul Pentru Acuratetea si
virtuozitatea tehnich de Mânuire
Festivalul international al teatrului de animatie
Bucarest, Romania
Prize of the public to the best spectacle
Festival de Bonecos
Belo Horizonte, Brasil