The Jordi Bertran Company

 From its origins to the present

In 1977 Jordi Bertran joined the “Grupo Taller de Marionetas” directed by Pepe Otal and discovered the mesmerizing power and the communication capacity of the marionettes and puppets.

Later he formed part of two groups: “Col·lectiu d’Animació de Barcelona” (1978), directed by Carles Cañellas, and “La Companyia Ambulant els Farsants” (1979-1987), which he co-founded.

In 1987 he founded his own company with the intention of spreading the art of puppeteering with the objective of especially reaching an adult audience.


Thanks to the efforts of many artists and collaborators, The Jordi Bertran Company is one of the most recognized and prestigious in our country.

He has won numerous national and international awards.

He has participated in the most important performing arts festivals in the world, toured more than fifty countries, and worked on television programs around the world.

On the teaching side,Jordi Bertran offers courses in the construction and handling of puppets, in his Taller del Parc, in Barcelona. He also gives and has given international courses for many countries.

In 1977 Jordi Bertran joined the “Grupo Taller de Marionetas” directed by Pepe Otal and discovered the mesmerizing power and the communication capacity of the marionettes and puppets.

Later he formed part of two groups: “Col·lectiu d’Animació de Barcelona” (1978), directed by Carles Cañellas, and “La Companyia Ambulant els Farsants” (1979-1987), which he co-founded.

In 1987 he founded his own company with the intention of spreading the art of puppeteering with the objective of especially reaching an adult audience.

Thanks to the efforts of many artists and collaborators, The Jordi Bertran Company is one of the most recognized and prestigious in our country.

He has won numerous national and international awards.

He has participated in the most important performing arts festivals in the world, toured more than fifty countries, and worked on television programs around the world.

On the teaching side, Jordi Bertran offers courses in the construction and handling of puppets, in his Taller del Parc, in Barcelona. He also gives and has given international courses for many countries.

The Jordi Bertran Company is currently made up by


Company shows

From its origins to the present

Antologia (Anthology) (1987), Poemes Visuals (Visual Poems) (1994), Cucudrulu (Crocodile) (1996), Supermonstres (Supermonsters) (1997), L’Avar (The Miser) (2000), Narcís (2002), Poti Poti Tatanet (2003), Ofèlia (2007), L’Alè dels fils (Life in the Strings) (2009), Marc (El Barret Foradat – The hole in the Hat (2009), ¡Azúcar! (La Sucrera Diabètica – The Diabetic Sugar Jar) (2011), Strada (2014), Circus (2016) and Power Point (2019)

Antologia (1987), Poemes Visuals (1994), Cucudrulu (1996), Supermonstres (1997), L’Avar (2000), Narcís (2002), Poti Poti Tatanet (2003), Ofèlia (2007), L’Alè dels fils (2009), Marc (El Barret Foradat, 2009), La Sucrera Diabètica (2011), Strada (2014), Circus (2016) i Power Point (2019)

Current shows




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