Jordi Bertran


POEMES VISUALS (Visual Poems) | Festival Les Jours Heureux 2022 | June 4 to 6 | Anglet (France)

POEMES VISUALS (Visual Poems) | Festival Les Jours Heureux 2022 | June 4 to 6 | Anglet (France)


June 4-6

Anglet (França)



June 4 2022

11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

June 5 2022

11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

Online tickets


Centre de loisirs ALSH Baroja

19 Rue des 4 Cantons

Anglet, França

POEMES VISUALS | Mitjó 2022 | May 28 | Sant Pere de Riudebitlles

POEMES VISUALS | Mitjó 2022 | May 28 | Sant Pere de Riudebitlles

May 28 | 19.30h

Teatre Catequísitc

Sant Pere de Riudebitlles



Inspirat en la màgia dels poemes visuals de Joan Brossa, és un espectacle generós, ple de tendresa, que omple cada racó de l’escena d’un virtuosisme inusual, fruit d’anys de treball. A l’escenari prenen vida un conjunt de lletres gràcies a la mestria d’un dels grans especialistes en manipulació d’objectes internacional.

Teatre Catequísitc

Sant Pere de Riudebitlles



POEMES VISUALS | Biblioteca Singuerlín Salvador Cabré | May 25 | Santa Coloma de Gramenet

POEMES VISUALS | Biblioteca Singuerlín Salvador Cabré | May 25 | Santa Coloma de Gramenet

Biblioteca Singuerlín Salvador Cabré

Santa Coloma de Gramenet


May 25, 2022 – 6:30 p.m.

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: the E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is the I. A Y and a “U” create a rhythmic dance and a simple “T”, a trampolinist.

Biblioteca Singuerlin

Salvador Cabré


Plaça Sagrada Família, S/N

Santa Coloma de Gramenet


POEMES VISUALS (VISUAL POEMS) | Tour Libraries | April 25 to 28 | Ciudad Real

POEMES VISUALS (VISUAL POEMS) | Tour Libraries | April 25 to 28 | Ciudad Real

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: the E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is the I. A Y and a “U” create a rhythmic dance and a simple “T”, a trampolinist.

POEMES VISUALS  |  Mitmo 2022  |  April 9 | Mollet del Vallès

POEMES VISUALS  |  Mitmo 2022  |  April 9 | Mollet del Vallès

15a edició Mostra Internacional de Titelles de Mollet del Vallès (MITMO)

9 d’abril
22.00 hores

Poemes Visuals (Visual Poems) is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Mercat Vell

Plaça de Prat de la Riba, 6

08100 Mollet del Vallès


Poemes Visuals (Visual Poems) | December 30 | Museum of the History of Catalonia | Barcelona

Poemes Visuals (Visual Poems) | December 30 | Museum of the History of Catalonia | Barcelona

Museu d’Història de Catalunya


December 30 | 5 p.m.

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: the E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is the I. A Y and a “U” create a rhythmic dance and a simple “T”, a trampolinist.

Plaça de Pau Vila, 3



Visual Poems | November 27 and 28 | AlfaCena Theater | Vila do Conde – Portugal

Visual Poems | November 27 and 28 | AlfaCena Theater | Vila do Conde – Portugal

Theater AlfaCena

Vila do Conde – Portugal


November 27 and 28

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: the E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is the I. A Y and a “U” create a rhythmic dance and a simple “T”, a trampolinist.

Theater AlfaCena

R. António Sérgio 10

Vila do Conde


More information and reservations


VISUAL POEMS (Visual Poems) VI International Puppet Festival TITEREX 2021 | October 16 to 24

VISUAL POEMS (Visual Poems)

VI International Puppet Festival TITEREX 2021

October 16 to 24 , 2021 



Dissabte 16 de Octubre – 18:00h
la Casa de Cultura
Villanueva de la Serena

Diumenge 17 de Octubre – 12:00h
Teatro Gabriel y Galán

Jordi Bertrán, reconocido como uno de los grandes especialistas en la manipulación de marionetas, títeres y objetos a título internacional, nos muestra en este espectáculo un elenco de personajes caracterizados por letras. 

Poemas Visuales, es un espectáculo cargado de ternura, que llena cada rincón de la escena de un virtuosismo inusual, fruto de largos años de trabajo. En el escenario cobran vida un conjunto de letras construidas con extrema sencillez que requieren de gran maestría para lograr que, con su manipulación, el gesto se transforme en verso y el verso en emoción.

El espectáculo está inspirado en la magia de los poemas visuales del poeta catalán Joan Brossa, tomando prestado el magnetismo del abecedario brossiano, el juego de letras con el que el poeta ilustraba su poética visual.


Poemes Visuals, és un espectacle generós, ple de tendresa, que omple cada racó de l’escena d’un virtuosisme inusual, fruit d’anys de treball. A l’escenari prenen vida un conjunt de lletres construïdes amb senzillesa, que requereixen de gran mestria per a aconseguir que, amb la seva manipulació, el gest se transformi en vers i el vers en emoció.

L’espectacle s’inspira en la màgia dels poemes visuals del poeta català Joan Brossa, prenent en préstec el magnetisme de l’abecedari brossià, el joc de lletres amb el que el poeta il•lustrava la seva poètica visual.



C. Carrera, 34

06700 Villanueva de la Serena


Teatro Gabriel y Galán


 Pl. de Juan Pizarro Aragón, 3

10200 Trujillo


POEMES VISUALS | 5th Moianès Puppet Festival | Moià | September 3rd

POEMES VISUALS | 5è Festival de Titelles del Moianès | Moià

logo festival


Espai Cultural “Les Faixes”

3 de setembre- 21:30 hores

Reposem per tercer cop aquest espectacle, pel gran èxit que va tenir en altres edicions del Festival.
A l’escenari prenen vida un conjunt de lletres construïdes amb senzillesa, que requereixen de gran mestria per aconseguir que, amb la seva manipulació, el gest es transformi en vers i el vers en emoció. Un espectacle
visual en el que la música en viu, el moviment, els petits conflictes i la poètica del gest són els fils que cohesionen un espectacle de gran nivell, reconegut internacionalment.

Poemes Visuals, és un espectacle generós, ple de tendresa, que omple cada racó de l’escena d’un virtuosisme inusual, fruit d’anys de treball. A l’escenari prenen vida un conjunt de lletres construïdes amb senzillesa, que requereixen de gran mestria per a aconseguir que, amb la seva manipulació, el gest se transformi en vers i el vers en emoció.

L’espectacle s’inspira en la màgia dels poemes visuals del poeta català Joan Brossa, prenent en préstec el magnetisme de l’abecedari brossià, el joc de lletres amb el que el poeta il•lustrava la seva poètica visual.

Espai Cultural “Les Faixes” 

Ctra. de Manresa, 50
08180, Moià

POEMAS VISUALES | Teatro Jofre | 28-02 2021 | Ferrol

POEMAS VISUALES | Teatro Jofre | 28-02 2021 | Ferrol



28 de Febrer | 12.30 hores

Poemes Visuals comença   amb un actor-músic, representant un poeta; porta una maleta plena de lletres d’escuma i comença a jugar amb els seus sons i formes, descobrint que, a partir de les lletres, pot crear poesia sense la necessitat de construir paraules.

Amb la guitarra i les cançons estableix una tendra relació amb les lletres, que prenen vida i creen un univers ple de personatges, coreografies, humor i accions dramàtiques, tot demostrant que les lletres no serveixen només per a omplir papers i ordinadors sinó que també poden crear un món sensible, de sorprenent senzillesa.

Les lletres, manipulades amb tiges sobre una taula, adquireixen vida pròpia i es van transformant a mesura que avança l’ espectacle: la “E” es converteix en un gos que juga amb un nen, que és la I; una “Y” amb una “U” creen una ballarina rítmica i una simple “T” un trampolinista.


Praza de Galicia, s/n

15401 Ferrol

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