Papers entre les mans (Papers between hands)

Papers entre les mans

(Papers between hands)

Puppet construction workshop


Build a puppet and learn from him handling techniques and interpretation.


  • With newspaper, masking tape and fabric pieces, build a character. Without a predetermined idea, let flow a dialogue between the material and our hands. A fascinating experience that is felt at various stages of the process, is the puppet who manipulates us and leads us in ways and forms that we had not imagined. Once the form, we will color the technique of makeup. Finally, if you think fit, it adds a cloth.


  • In the second part of the workshop, give life to our character, and analyze their character through play, movement and improvisation, create situations, conflicts and outcomes, developing structures within the dramatic language, own puppet theater.


  • Students will be able to create, individually or collectively, a brief performance.

· Amb paper de periòdic, cinta de pintor i trossos de tela, construirem un personatge. Sense una idea preestablerta, deixarem fluir un diàleg entre el material i les nostres mans. Una experiència fascinant que consisteix a sentir com en les diverses etapes del procés, és el titella qui ens manipula i ens condueix per camins i formes que no havíem imaginat. Un cop acabada la forma, li donarem color amb la tècnica del maquillatge. Finalment, si ho creiem convenient, afegirem una roba.

·  En la segona part del taller, donarem vida al nostre personatge, analitzarem el seu caràcter i a partir del joc, el moviment i les improvisacions, crearem situacions, conflictes i desenllaços, desenvolupant estructures dins del llenguatge dramàtic, propi del teatre de titelles.

· Els alumnes tindran la possibilitat de crear, individualment o col·lectivament, una breu performance.


Jordi Bertran



Build a puppet and learn from him handling techniques and interpretation.


 With newspaper, masking tape and fabric pieces, build a character. Without a predetermined idea, let flow a dialogue between the material and our hands. A fascinating experience that is felt at various stages of the process, is the puppet who manipulates us and leads us in ways and forms that we had not imagined. Once the form, we will color the technique of makeup. Finally, if you think fit, it adds a cloth. In the second part of the workshop, give life to our character, and analyze their character through play, movement and improvisation, create situations, conflicts and outcomes, developing structures within the dramatic language, own puppet theater.   Students will be able to create, individually or collectively, a brief performance.

Jordi Bertran

10 €/hour

Coming Soon

Opening hours
16:00 a 20:00 h

Limited Places
10 students

Papers entre les mans

(Papers between hands)

CREA – Create


Interpretation workshop i
dramaturgy with puppets and objects

To who it is addressed?

    • To all puppeteers who have already constructed their puppets and want to alive them.
    • To all puppeteers or actors who are trucked in scene or have it halfway done and want it to complete it.
    • To every creator that has a micro-show and wants to improve it.


    • Introduction of the material from all participants.
    • Exhibition of all microshows, scenes, performance, actions or ideas from every participant.
    • Analysis and critics to the presented solutions.
    • Study of the behavior of every character and rol analysis to follow in the suggested solution
    • Suggestion of pieces, actions, ideas or scenes for the characters presented by participants.
      LABORATORY : Research of all the expression and interpretative posibilities for every single character suggested by participants.
    • Corporal expression trainnin-

— In order to achieve a good interpretative level with puppets an expressive body is needed.
Trainning with coordination, laterality and fixed point exercises. Exercicis de coordinació, lateralitat i punt fix.

    • Exercises to estimulate the improvisation capacity.
    • Basic notions of dramaturgy. Tools and tips for creating a script.
    • “The idea”. How to adapt a show already written (fale, legend, mithology, drama, comedy,…) to the theatre of puppets and objects..
    • Study of the creative process of pieces from the master.
    • Analysis of pieces from great master puppeteers.

Jordi Bertran

Taller del Parc


  A tots aquells titellaires que ja tinguin els seus titelles construïts i vulguin donar’ls-hi vida.

  A tots els titellaires o actors que tinguin una escena encallada o a mig fer i la vulguin tirar endavant.

  A tot aquell creador que tingui un micro-espectacle i vulgui millorar-lo.


  Introduction of the material from all participants.

Exhibition of all microshows, scenes, performance, actions or ideas from every participant.

  Analysis and critics to the presented solutions.

  Study of the behavior of every character and rol analysis to follow in the suggested solution.

  Suggestion of pieces, actions, ideas or scenes for the characters presented by participants.
LABORATORY : Research of all the expression and interpretative posibilities for every single character suggested by participants.

  Corporal expression trainnin.

— In order to achieve a good interpretative level with puppets an expressive body is needed.
Trainning with coordination, laterality and fixed point exercises.

  Exercises to estimulate the improvisation capacity.

  Basic notions of dramaturgy. Tools and tips for creating a script.

The idea”. How to adapt a show already written (fale, legend, mithology, drama, comedy,…) to the theatre of puppets and objects..

  Study of the creative process of pieces from the master.

 Analysis of pieces from great master puppeteers.


Jordi Bertran

250 €

Coming soon

Opening hours
16:00 a 20:00 h

Limited seats
10 students

Taller del Parc

* Includes three free hosting per pupil places outside Barcelona.


Qui manipula a qui? – Who hands who?

Qui manipula a qui?

Who hands who?


Introduction to the construction and handling of puppets


Who hands who?


Introduction to the construction and handling of puppets

To who it is addressed?

For all adults, have experience or not, that are interested in the techniques of handling and performance with puppets and puppetry.


1.- Open the doors to the infinite expressive and creative field of the puppet and the puppet.

2.- Build a puppet of four threads.

3.- Introduce us in the learning of his manipulation.

4.- Introduction to learning the manipulation of puppets and eleven new threads. Also on the table and foam puppets.


  Body expression exercises (coordination, laterality and fixed point) to improve the movement of our bodies and our puppet.

  Building a simple wooden knob for four threads.

With five wooden balls and a handkerchief, each student will mount a figure.

  Using the technique of makeup, give expression to the face and hands and colour of the puppet.

  Placing external muscles and tendons of the puppet: THE THREADS.

  Handling and performance with the puppet built. Analysis of his character, basic movements and actions. Travel, the drive, the look, the double take, pauses, attitudes, action – reaction.

  Use of voice, music, sounds and onomatopoeic in the puppet theater.

  Notions of dramaturgy. Creative process dramatic scenes and actions with the puppet.

  Creating a small “sketch” individual or group.

  Analysis and study of the possibilities of different types of controls for puppet (vertical, inclined and horizontal).


Jordi Bertran

Taller del Parc


To who it is addressed?

 For all adults, have experience or not, that are interested in the techniques of handling and performance with puppets and puppetry.


1.- Open the doors to the infinite expressive and creative field of the puppet and the puppet.

2.- Build a puppet of four threads.

3.- Introduce us in the learning of his manipulation.

4.- Introduction to learning the manipulation of puppets and eleven new threads. Also on the table and foam puppets.


  Body expression exercises (coordination, laterality and fixed point) to improve the movement of our bodies and our puppet.

Building a simple wooden knob for four threads.

With five wooden balls and a handkerchief, each student will mount a figure.

  Using the technique of makeup, give expression to the face and hands and colour of the puppet.

  Placing external muscles and tendons of the puppet: THE THREADS.

  Handling and performance with the puppet built. Analysis of his character, basic movements and actions. Travel, the drive, the look, the double take, pauses, attitudes, action – reaction.

  Use of voice, music, sounds and onomatopoeic in the puppet theater.

  Notions of dramaturgy. Creative process dramatic scenes and actions with the puppet.

  Creating a small “sketch” individual or group.

  Analysis and study of the possibilities of different types of controls for puppet (vertical, inclined and horizontal).


Jordi Bertran

250€ (included material)

Coming soon

 €30 that give the right to be partners of the TALLER DEL PARC

Opening hours
16:00 a 20:00 h

10 students
(Minimum required 4 students)

Taller del Parc

* Includes three free hosting per pupil places outside Barcelona.



Who hands who?


Who hands who?

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