POEMES VISUALS | Mitjó 2022 | May 28 | Sant Pere de Riudebitlles

POEMES VISUALS | Mitjó 2022 | May 28 | Sant Pere de Riudebitlles

May 28 | 19.30h

Teatre Catequísitc

Sant Pere de Riudebitlles



Inspirat en la màgia dels poemes visuals de Joan Brossa, és un espectacle generós, ple de tendresa, que omple cada racó de l’escena d’un virtuosisme inusual, fruit d’anys de treball. A l’escenari prenen vida un conjunt de lletres gràcies a la mestria d’un dels grans especialistes en manipulació d’objectes internacional.

Teatre Catequísitc

Sant Pere de Riudebitlles



POEMES VISUALS | Biblioteca Singuerlín Salvador Cabré | May 25 | Santa Coloma de Gramenet

POEMES VISUALS | Biblioteca Singuerlín Salvador Cabré | May 25 | Santa Coloma de Gramenet

Biblioteca Singuerlín Salvador Cabré

Santa Coloma de Gramenet


May 25, 2022 – 6:30 p.m.

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: the E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is the I. A Y and a “U” create a rhythmic dance and a simple “T”, a trampolinist.

Biblioteca Singuerlin

Salvador Cabré


Plaça Sagrada Família, S/N

Santa Coloma de Gramenet


POEMES VISUALS (VISUAL POEMS) | Tour Libraries | April 25 to 28 | Ciudad Real

POEMES VISUALS (VISUAL POEMS) | Tour Libraries | April 25 to 28 | Ciudad Real

Visual Poems is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Visual Poems starts with musician-actor playing the role of a poet; he is carrying a suitcase full of letters made of foam and he starts to play their sounds and shapes, discovering that the letters can be used to create poetry without the need to construct words.

With his guitar and songs, he establishes a warm relationship with the letters that come alive, creating a universe full of characters, choreographies, humor, and drama to show that letters are not just for filling up papers and computers but rather that they can also create a sensitive world of breathtaking simplicity.

The letters, operated by sticks on a table, come alive and transform as the show moves forward: the E becomes a dog that plays with a child, which is the I. A Y and a “U” create a rhythmic dance and a simple “T”, a trampolinist.

POEMES VISUALS  |  Mitmo 2022  |  April 9 | Mollet del Vallès

POEMES VISUALS  |  Mitmo 2022  |  April 9 | Mollet del Vallès

15a edició Mostra Internacional de Titelles de Mollet del Vallès (MITMO)

9 d’abril
22.00 hores

Poemes Visuals (Visual Poems) is a charming show, filling every corner of the stage with an unusual virtuosity, the result of many years of work. On stage a series of simple letters come to life but thanks to great mastery and handling these convert gestures into verse and verse into emotion.

The show is inspired in the magic of the poems of Catalan poet Joan Brossa, borrowing from the magnetism of Brossa’s alphabet, a game of letters with which the poet illustrates his visual poetics.

Mercat Vell

Plaça de Prat de la Riba, 6

08100 Mollet del Vallès


CIRCUS | Off Sala Azul | 12 and 13 March 2022 | VALENCIA

CIRCUS  |  Off Sala Azul   |  12 and 13 March 2022  |  VALENCIA



12 and 13 March 2022

A fun and poetic show for all audiences where Jordi Bertran, through small details, gestures and complicity, establishes a sincere connection with his audience through his puppets.

BERTRAN SWING BAND | Vermouth + Concert | February, 13 | Cafeteria La Lliga | Capellades | Barcelona

BERTRAN SWING BAND | Vermouth + Concert | February, 13 | Cafeteria La Lliga | Capellades | Barcelona


 Saturday, February 13th

12 noon

Songs now and forever

A musical group created by guitarist, composer and puppeteer Jordi Bertrán, double bassist Begoña Fernández, violinist Laura Pacios and guitarist Guillem Vallès. Four musicians who present a musical selection from the 30s and 40s and their own songs. A fresh and cheerful concert with a musical style that drinks from the sources of Swing, Jazz, Blues, Pop and Rumba.

Cafeteria La Lliga

Carrer del Pilar, 13




CIRCUS | La Casa dels contes | February 12, 19 and 26, 2022 | Barcelona

CIRCUS | La Casa dels contes | February 12, 19 and 26, 2022 | Barcelona




 12, 19 and 26

16.15 hores


CIRCUS is an experimental work with two techniques of artistic expression: The Clown and the Puppet. It is a sample of what Jordi Bertran has learned from masters such as: Chaplin, Lloid, Keaton, Marx Brothers, Rivel, Tatí,…. And Ferran Bertran (his father), who at the tables of family lunches, and with the with the help of a napkin or his hands he let out the art he carried inside.

A fun and poetic show for all audiences where the renowned puppeteer through small details, gestures and complicity, establishes a sincere connection with his audience.


La Casa dels comtes

Carrer de la Riereta, 31


Antologia (Anthology) | MOMIX Festival 2022 | January 27 to February 6 | Kingsheim (France) 

Antologia (Anthology) | MOMIX Festival 2022 | January 27 to February 6 | Kingsheim (France) 




Tuesday, January 25th

10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.


Wednesday, January 26

2:30 p.m.

Thursday, January 27th

9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.


Friday, January 28th

9:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.

Saturday, January 29th

09:00 and 15:30


Monday, January 31st

9:45 p.m.


Tuesday, February 1st

9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.


Wednesday, February 2

5:00 p.m.


Friday, February 4th

9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 5th

10:00 am

Jordi Bertran, known internationally as one of the master marionette puppeteers, presents a show in seven musical and theatre scenes where movement, suggestive details and natural gestures produce a hypnotic magnetism that will captivate the viewer.

Anthology, Jordi Bertran’s debut work, was released in 1987 and continues to form part of his repertoire to the present, visiting stages across the five continents for over twenty years.

Structured along the lines of a cabaret, Anthology’s scenes unfold in an elaborate sequence, combining the rhythm of the show with the emotional development of each one of the characters recreated by the puppeteer, who –through the puppet strings- brings to life well-known and imaginary characters, anonymous characters inspired by the circus, theatre or cultural world.




POWER POINT | Festival MOMIX 2022 | January 28 and 29 | Kingersheim (France)

POWER POINT | Festival MOMIX 2022 | January 28 and 29 | Kingersheim (France)



 Festival MOMIX 2022


Kingersheim (France)
Friday, January 28 | 10 p.m.
Saturday, January 29 | 3 p.m.


Jordi Bertran amb l’ajut de les seves mans, una guitarra i el poder dels punts, donarà vida a éssers autèntics, per interpretar amb ells històries divertides i romàntiques farcides de punteria.

Un recorregut per un món creatiu, habitat per personatges de gran teatralitat, divertits i contradictoris, plens de tendresa i conflictes latents.


Des del Punt inicial fins al Punt final, passant per més d’un punt i apart, punt i seguit, punts suspensius o punt i coma, Jordi Bertran, trasllada les següents puntuals històries, des del seu univers poètic fins a l’escenari:










Les Sheds

2A Rue d’Illzach, 

Kingersheim, França

Bertran Swing Band | January 16 | Rai-Art | Barcelona

Bertran Swing Band | January 16 | Rai-Art | Barcelona

Sunday 16 January 12 noon

Cançons d’ara i de sempre

In this proposal, the Bertran Swing Band features a cool, cheerful concert with a musical style that drinks from the sources of Swing, Jazz Manouche, Blues, Pop, and Rumba.

A choice of standards from the 1930s and 40s, and songs of our own where we explain in a theatrical, interesting and funny way the story, context, or process of creating each song.

C/ dels Carders, 12


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